Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy 4th

Happy 240th Birthday to the US of A!

Celebrating today feeling grateful for the freedoms I have as an American living in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Reflecting on and not taking for granted all the comforts and advantages of this incredible country; the land of opportunities and dreams come true. 

Three of the things I am most grateful for living in California:

1.    The American Dream

We decided to move to California believing in the American Dream as our chance to open the door to a world of opportunity. We weren’t expecting instant success, wealth, and fame but rather the chance to achieve prosperity and success through hard work. With hard work, we have been able to achieve our goals: getting a great education, seeing career advancement and success, raising a healthy and happy family, and building a supportive community. But the true meaning of living the American dream is to keep dreaming, to keep pursuing opportunities, to keep working and to keep learning and growing. Every day is an opportunity to make tomorrow even better.

2.    Beauty

Coming from a country which is about 5% of the size of California; I certainly appreciate the country’s sheer size, its national parks, the awe-inspiring sights and places to visit. And I am so happy to live in the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area where the weather is temperate year-round allowing me to lace up my hiking boots and explore the great outdoors and best hiking trails every week throughout the year. 

3.    Cultural Diversity

The greatest thing about the melting pot that is the Bay Area is the people. For the most part, Bay Area residents are liberal, open-minded, and with a strong live and let live attitude. As an immigrant it means I never feel like a fish out of water or like a sore thumb sticking out. Career prospects are greater when you live in an area where cultural diversity isn’t merely tolerated but is actually perceived as advantageous, and where inclusion and differences are embraced and celebrated.

May we all continue to enjoy the great freedoms and opportunities we enjoy here; the freedom to speak our minds, to practice our religion, to be who we are, and to vote. No matter how you feel about the upcoming election and the presidential candidates, let’s not forget that in many countries around the world people still do not have basic human rights. Freedom is a precious gift. May we live to see a future of liberty, peace and dignity for all.

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